Uganda’s "Kill The Gays" Bill Sponsored By A U.S. Christian Group
Just when I start allowing myself to think that the fight for equality and gay rights are progressing; I get blindsided with the most disturbing shit I’ve ever heard. The law makers in Uganda have teamed up with a Christian religious organization here in the United States to introduce a bill that if made into law will make homosexuality a capital crime punishable by DEATH in their county. This law is the inevitable culmination of hate, intolerance, ignorance, bigotry, religious zealotry, political propaganda, and hubris dogma that ironically reveals how much evil can exist in the heart of man. I can not find words that would adequately express and convey my feelings about this. Just knowing that this kind of thing is going on in this day and age baffles me. I go through a roller-coaster of emotions every time I hear, read, or think about it. The most profound of those emotions are anger and helplessness. I’m most angry about the involvement of this well known American religious group (known as “The Family”) that wrote and supported the bill that Uganda is now making into law. What’s Christian about that? It’s absolutely ridiculous to believe that killing gay people has anything to do with God or Christianity…
Here are some recourses to help you learn more about this issue. You’ll also find startling information about some of “The Family’s” well known supporters and members like Rick Warren, Pat Robinson (from the 500 club), and several Congressman and Senators who are connected to the group, including John Ensign, Bart Stupak, Joe Pitts, James Inhofe, Tom Coburn, Charles Grassley and Zach Wamp.
Video clip from the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC:
Ugandian Official David Bahati talks about homosexuality and why he thinks they deserve to die:
NPR Interview & discussion about Uganda’s Anti-Gay History: