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Save The ACA Save My Life
Now that Donald Trump is our new President and republicans have control over the house and the Senate, they are working to get rid of the Affordable Care Act even though they have not presented a replacement to the American people. They had 6 years to create an alternative but chose not to pursue it (which baffles me).
As a person living with a genetic blood disorder known as Sickle Cell I’m very afraid of the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Having my life in the hands of Donald Trump and Paul Ryan isn’t a good feeling. Calling it anxiety would be an understatement. Without government run Healthcare there is no way I could afford to see my doctor. With Sickle Cell I have to get blood transfusions, outpatient IV treatments, blood labs every month, hospital stays when I have sickle cell pain crisis (that could last a few days or a few weeks), 4 different prescriptions that I have to fill each month and a lot of other health issues that arise from my weakened immune system. So for me this isn’t a political issue or a republican vs democrat issue. It’s literally a life vs death issue. Of course the ACA is not perfect by any means but I wish they could work on ways to improve it instead of a complete repel.
It seems like those who are in favor of a repel are the people who are lucky enough to have good health and the people who can afford to see a doctor and pay for their prescriptions with or without the ACA. I want those people to think about people like me and ask themselves what is the best solution for our entire population as a whole. Every American should have access to health care and every American deserves that right. Rich, poor, black, white, gay, straight EVERYONE! No matter who you are, you deserve to have a healthy full life. What kind of person looks at the sick and the poor as a burden? That doesn’t sound like an exceptional unified and free country.
If you agree please call your state representatives and let them know how you feel. Leave a messge if you can’t get an answer. If enough people call, it could save health care, and save millions of lives as well. When is the next time you’ll be able to save a life with a phone call? …Exactly!
GOP Mayor Wants Medicaid
Republican mayor of Belhaven NC (near my hometown of Bath) joined forces with the NAACP to petition the governor to expand medicaid… and believe it or not, there are a lot of republicans here in the state who agree. I’ve said it a number of times but I’ll say it again; Governor Pat McCrory and the republican majority in the state legislature are killing off all future possibilities of them being elected as governor and giving democrats a better chance of regaining control. Art Pope’s money and influence isn’t going to be enough to save them if they continue to govern by extreme ideology in a state that was historically pretty moderate. They will soon come to the realization that refusing the medicaid expansion was a horrible idea with life or death consequences. Even if they change their minds (which of course will happen) and allow the expansion, the damage to their brand has already been done.
Article from NC Policy Watch: “You can’t close hospitals and let people die to prove a point.” So spoke the conservative Republican mayor of Belhaven, North Carolina, Adam O’Neal, this morning at a press conference at the state Legislative Building in Raleigh. O’Neal’s appearance (and his linking of hands with Rev. William Barber of the North Carolina NAACP) was the highlight of a powerful event at which advocates called on Gov. McCrory and legislative leaders to reverse course and admit that their ideologically-driven decision to refuse to expand the state’s Medicaid program under the terms of the Affordable Care Act is threatening the physical health of hundreds of thousands of North Carolinian’s and the financial health of dozens of hospitals — especially ones located in poorer, rural communities like Mayor O’Neal’s. O’Neal’s speech was an especially moving and courageous act by a man who claimed to disagree with Rev. Barber on most issues and who obviously placed any political ambitions he might harbor at risk by so publicly breaking with the leaders of his own party. But it was also obviously heartfelt and genuine — a fact that made it all the more powerful. – Read more of this story at: http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2014/06/04/republican-mayor-from-eastern-nc-issues-emotional-call-for-medicaid-expansion/#sthash.ylgwuppp.dpuf